Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week three [class act] FION

page 181
This was initially brought up by Geneva, Geneva said that this panel is interesting because it is a picture of Marjane's family sitting around a table on a beach, a d water is coming towards them. She also suggeste4d that Marjane may be day dreaming in the previous panel which leads her to the beach. (juxtaposition) Mr.M thinks that the style of painting and the lack of detail of this panel presents a Iranian culture atmosphere.

page 185
(forgot who brought this up) Marjane is directly looking at the reader as if she is trying to communicate with us through her eye contact. She seems different from everybody in the room: some people are kissing eachother, some are laughing for no apparent reason, and some are smoking but Marjane is sitting all by herself in the corner looking inocent. The wall she is leading on is a Iranian art work (Bhanisha's idea) which Marjane is using it for support. The painting of the wall contrast with the actions of the people in the room with the exception of Marjane. This panel shows how Marjane is situated in, seems like she does not belong to neither of the culture.


  1. This idea was brought up by Vishal. I wrote about this panel in our perspective paper. I made a question, it was;
    How does Marjane Satrapi examine minority as a teenager in a differet social structure?
    I thought that this particular panel completed my answer very well.
