Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week Four (snippet)-Alice


Pg 228

This panel is one that illustrates the Viennese students demonstrating against the government.
As you can observe, everyone in this panel has light-coloured hair; except for our protagonist, Marjane Satrapi. Her unique hair colour makes her stand out, while others look similar to each other. This ties in with the important motif of her being an outsider.

Pg 18

The two panels--this one and the one above--are almost identical to each other, with a few minor exceptions. The hair style of the people, the position of their body, and the background of this panel are the exact same with the one above. I think the author is trying to point out that rebellions are the same, regardless of ethnicity, religion and cause.


  1. I totally agree with you Alice about how you think that rebellions are the same, regardless of ethnicity, religion and cause. Great job finding identical panels, I totally did not see that coming.


  2. This reminds me that marjane also used this technic on the bottom panel of page 153 and 341
    both panels have the same backgroud but different atmospheres

  3. I completely agree with you Alice. And like Manny said, I too did not see those two identical panels.

